














Move to Earn Game Development Company

Partner with our elite M2E game development company to obtain a reliable and remarkable fitness-based M2E app that offers exclusive NFT rewards to winners and participants for staying active and walking outdoors.

Move to Earn Game Development Company
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M2E Game Development

What is M2E Game Development ?

Move to Earn is a concept that has emerged from the blockchain and crypto space. Move to Earn development refers to developing a gaming model that rewards players for physical movement or activity. M2E game development service incorporates elements of gamification and fitness to incentivize players to engage in physical exercise while playing the game. It is a model that allows players to earn tokens or digital assets by playing games and making in-game moves or actions. These tokens can then be exchanged for real-world value or used within the gaming ecosystem.

Profitable Benefits of creating M2E NFT Game development

Cross-Chain Interoperability

To widen the player base and ensure accessibility, enabling cross-chain interoperability allows users to participate in the game from different blockchain networks.

Multiple Revenue Streams

Business admins can earn a percentage from each NFT sale, creating a sustainable income stream. Advertisements and partnerships can open up new revenue streams through sponsorships or branded in-game items.

Increased User Engagement

Merging Move to Earn NFT games with virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) technologies create immersive experiences, making the gameplay more engaging and enjoyable for players.

Cross-platform support

M2E NFT Game development services are accessible across different platforms, such as smartwatches, smartphones, or gaming consoles, to reach a broader global audience.

Advanced Features of our M2E Game Development Service

Digital Currency

Native coins or tokens serve as the app's currency. Users earn based on the number of steps they take while walking or running outside.

Step Tracker

Our M2E NFT games use your smartphone's GPS and accelerometer to track your outdoor steps. It converts your steps into digital currency.

NFT-based assets

Our M2E NFT games offer various in-game NFT items, characters, skins, and other virtual assets. Each NFT has distinct properties linked and cannot be replicated.


Organizing live events and competitive tournaments within the M2E NFT game can attract more players, and build a strong community.


Native utility tokens allow players to participate in governance decisions, stake tokens for rewards, or use them to utilize special in-game features.


M2E NFT games incorporate play-to-earn models, where players can earn valuable NFTs or in-game currency by completing tasks or achieving certain milestones.

Referral Program

Users can invite their friends to join the M2E game. When new users sign up using the referral link, both the referrer and the referred user receive bonuses.

Social Sharing

Users can connect with friends on the M2E NFT game app, compare step counts, and engage in friendly competition.

Move to Earn Game Development

Why should you invest in Move to Earn Game Development ?

Non-fungible tokens have gained immense popularity in recent years, particularly in the art market and M2E NFT saw a unique opportunity to bring this technology into the gaming world. This groundbreaking concept has created a revolution, fostering a new era of gaming where players have control over their NFT possessions and offers innovative earning experiences for business owners. NFT assets that players have in-game can be bought, sold, and traded both inside and outside of the M2E game.

Step-by-step process of
Move to Earn (M2E) Game Development


We define the game concept, theme, and gameplay mechanics. We research market trends and player preferences. We identify potential gaming competitors.


UI Design

We create a game design document outlining all aspects of the game. We design the user interface and in-game NFT items, such as characters, items, land, etc.

Game Development

We develop smart contracts that will handle the creation, ownership, and transfer of NFTs. We implement the game-related functionalities in the blockchain.


QA testing

We conduct testing to identify and fix bugs, vulnerabilities, and gameplay issues. We test the smart contracts' security and audit them for potential exploits.

Live Deployment

We launch the M2E game development services in a live environment. We implement marketing strategies to attract players and build a user base.



We monitor the game's performance and implement updates to improve the game experience. We regularly add new events, and features to keep the game engaging.

White Label Move to Earn Game Development

White label move to earn game development refers to a ready-made gaming solution that can be branded by companies under their own brand name. It allows companies to obtain the M2E game without investing in the development process from scratch. Our white label M2E NFT Game development solution offers ready-made Move to Earn games that can be customized as per the client's requirements.

White Label Move to Earn Game Development

Why Choose us apart as the ultimate choice for M2E game development?

M2E game development

Kryptobees is a top-notch move to earn game development company. We have a multidisciplinary team of blockchain developers, game designers, artists, testers, and business specialists. We integrate technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), NFT, and blockchain in the M2E NFT Game development services, enhancing the overall gaming experience and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

As a leading M2E Game Development Company, we stand out for our technical expertise, creative vision, and commitment to client satisfaction. Our M2E game development services bring one step closer to a future where the boundaries between virtual and real-world assets begin to blur, and gaming becomes a more immersive, inclusive, and rewarding experience for everyone involved.


The typical timeframe for developing a game takes several weeks to a few months and it can vary significantly based on several factors, including the complexity, scope of the game, the size of the development team, the available resources, and the development process.

Blockchains: Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Cardano, Polkadot, EOS, BSC, Tron

Smart Contracts: Chainlink, Truffle, OpenZeppline, HardHat, Ganache, Pinata

Game Engines: Unity, Godot, Unreal Engine.

Programming Languages: C++, C#, Java, Python, and more.

Graphics APIs: OpenGL, DirectX, or Vulkan.

Art and Design Tools: Adobe Creative Suite, Maya, Blender, ZBrush, and others.

Audio Tools: FMOD, Wwise, and Audacity.

Cloud Services: AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

Mobile Development: Swift (iOS) and Java/Kotlin (Android).

The development process may vary depending on the scope and complexity of your game. It is the best option to consult with our business specialist team about your gaming idea.

Game development costs vary significantly depending on various factors, including the scale of the project, the game development platforms, the complexity of the game mechanics, the level of graphics and art assets required, the size of the development team, and other factors. We recommend you reach out to our chat support or business team to get a better understanding of the pricing structure.

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